CaFÉ is more than just a list of opportunities! CaFÉ is designed to help artists stay organized and store all necessary application materials in one space! Here are a few ways CaFÉ can help artists stay organized:
1. Call Listings Filtering, Sorting, and Favorite Features
The CaFÉ Call Listings page allows artists to sort for calls that are relevant to their location, interests, and discipline preferences. If you are an artist with a CaFÉ account, you can select favorite calls to save them for future review.
2. Calendar
Did you know that you can view the CaFÉ Call Listings in a Calendar view? The Calendar view displays opportunities in a visual format. Toggle between a List or Calendar View to see upcoming application deadlines by date. You can click directly from calls listed in the Calendar to see specific organization call details.
3. My CaFÉ Entries
Once you have created an artist profile on CaFÉ, your started and submitted applications will appear on your My CaFÉ Entries page! If you apply to a lot of calls, it is important to keep this page organized. Artists have the option to Archive old applications in an effort to keep all current entries separate from past entries. Old entries are never lost in CaFÉ, artists can always go into their Archived Entries to reference previous submissions.

4. Artist Portfolio
The Portfolio feature allows artists to upload all of their artwork to one space. Each image will include the details necessary to apply to calls on CaFÉ. Artists can upload up to 100 images, 6 audio files, and 6 video files to store in their CaFÉ profile and use on future applications!
7. Bi-weekly Notification
On a bi-weekly basis, CaFÉ curates email notifications for artists that include a current list of upcoming deadlines. These emails allow you to organize your application schedule and navigate directly to the calls you are most interested in applying to! Choose to opt-in to Opportunity Notifications so you will never miss a deadline again!