The CaFÉ team regularly releases new features, improvements, and fixes for the site. Recently, we updated the interface of the CaFÉ site for jurors, created a new option for submitting publish requests, and fixed several minor issues to improve the user experience. Here are the new features for April 2022 in CaFÉ.
Updated CaFÉ Site for Jurors
Following the updates to the CaFÉ site for administrators last year, we updated the site for jurors! In addition to refreshing the design and colors to match the rest of the CaFÉ interface, the update also includes the following:
- Addition of the Ticket tab to the menu. Jurors can now submit help tickets to the CaFÉ team.
- Additional search criteria to make it easier to find applications. Jurors can now search or filter based on:
- Name (unless the blind jury process is active)
- Category
- Score
- Application ID#
- Artist ID#
- Tagged applications only
- Flagged applications only
- Lastly, updated messaging throughout the site. It accurately reflects if a juror needs to be assigned to active calls, or if the jury process has not begun.
Note: Jurors who use Safari as their browser must disable their pop-up blocker to view the score card. Steps for how to disable the pop-up blocker in Safari can be found here.
Added a Publish Call Button and Reminders to Publish for Administrators
This new feature makes it easier for administrators to request to publish their call. Administrators can now click the Publish Call button from the Call Editor. This sends a notification to the CaFÉ team to publish the call.
How to request to publish a call:
- Go to Events > Management > Call Editor.
- In the Status box, click< Publish Call.
- On the next window, click Send Publish Request.
- The CaFÉ team will review the call and publish it if ready. All requests will be answered within one business day during normal business hours.
In addition, we have implemented two ways to improve CaFÉ’s communication with administrators ready to publish calls. First, as soon as a member of the team publishes a call, the administrator will receive an email to let them know the call is published and provide their unique call URL. Second, if a newly added call has not been published seven days before its Accept Applications date, a reminder email will go to the administrator. This will help ensure calls ready to be published can begin accepting applications on time.
New Features April 2022
Updates to Colors to Improve Accessibility
We have updated the colors of two areas to improve the accessibility for all users. First, when an administrator hovers their cursor over the Status History or Comment icons on the Events Management table, the color will now change to orange. Second, the headings of artist search table the CaFÉ team uses are now underlined when hovering over them.
Minor Fixes or Improvements on CaFÉ
Archiving Artist Applications
Some artists could not archive applications from older calls. Artists can now archive their applications. Keep in mind, the administrator of the call must complete the jury and adjust the settings to allow artists to archive.
Scoring by Art Allowing Multiple Applications
Previously, calls copied from prior years and switched from Scoring by Application to Scoring by Art jury type encountered an issue where artists could apply to the call multiple times. We fixed the issue so that any calls copied over and changed to Scoring by Art only have a maximum of one application allowed per applicant.
Generating PDF Reports with Tagged/Flagged Application Filters
We fixed an error that occurred when administrators tried to generate PDF reports of the application data in which they had selected “Show Flagged Applications Only” or “Show Tagged Applications Only.” Now, you may generate PDF reports as normal.
Generating PDF Reports by Criteria
Finally, we fixed an issue in which the PDF reports did not reflect the filters chosen in the “Search by” box by the administrator prior to downloading. Now, the PDF reports will generate results that reflect the filters selected in the “Search by” box.
Written by Communications Coordinator Justine Chapel. New Features April 2022