How to Sign in with Your Existing Account

  1. Go to the login page.
  2. Enter your username and password.

How to Retrieve Your Username and Password

Username Retrieval

  1. Go the forgot username page.
  2. Enter the email address you registered with.
  3. Click Retrieve.
  4. Go to your inbox to check for the Forgotten Login email.

Password Reset

  1. Go the forgot password page.
  2. Enter email address AND username.
  3. Click Request Reset.
  4. Go to your inbox to check for the Password Reset link for the username submitted. Link is valid for 24 hours.
  5. Click the password reset link in the email and create a new password.

Usernames and passwords are limited to 7-30 characters. You can use letters, numbers, and periods. Do not use spaces, apostrophes, single or double quotations, or accent marks.


Account Login Disabled Due to Inactivity
Accounts that are inactive a full 24 months are automatically disabled. Contact us to request that your account be restored. You may prevent this from happening again in the future​ ​by signing in to CaFÉ at least once over the next 24 months or more frequently.

Authentication Failure
If either the username or password is incorrect, you will not be able to login. Try requesting a login reminder. If you have more than one account, try a different login. If you still cannot remember your login, request a login reminder.

Issue with Email Address and Email Confirmation
If there is an issue with the email address associated with your account profile, we ask that you confirm your email address. Follow the prompt to complete and submit the form request. You will receive an email containing a link you can click or paste into a browser window to complete the confirmation process.